Monday, December 26, 2005

Procrastination...we suck again!

Why am I procrastinating with work by doing these online quizzes? Okay so first I was surfing art blogs and then by chance, one of the lists the results to a cool quiz. I took the "What kind of boots are you?" "What kind of hat are you?""Are you uptown or downtown?" They all pretty much confirmed what I already knew...yeah I'm bad. With that said here are the results from the last quiz I will take today. I swear.

You Are An Iris

You are a unique woman who needs a lot of novelty in her life.

An inspiration seeker, you often have to change scenery to recharge.

You don't deal well with structure or rules. You need to do it your own way.

Your ideal relationships are free and flowing. No one can tie you down.

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